Blog des OERInfo-Projekts SynLLOER

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"With Openness comes increased responsibility" - sketch by Bryan M Mathers (@bryanMMathers), under a CC-BY 4.0 licence

OER17 in retrospect

10. April 2017 synlloer No Comments

“>3 “OER17: The audience is listening.” by Tobias Steiner, SynLLOER project, University of Hamburg is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0[/caption] Zudem stellte das SynLLOER-Projekt der Universität Hamburg in einem Beitrag die zahlreichen Aktivitäten vor, die in der Metropolregion Hamburg unternommen werden, um eine Kultur Offener Bildungspraktiken nachhaltig zu befördern. Zusammenfassend ist festzustellen, dass das Format der OER17 eine echte Bereicherung für alle Konferenz-Teilnehmenden war, die durch zahlreiche Beiträge sowie Workshops regen Austausch förderte und den vielzitierten Blick über den Tellerrand auf den internationalen Kontext sowie die Problemstellungen anderer Nationen und die dort gefundenen Lösungswege ermöglichte. Im Folgenden werden Links zu konferenzrelevanten Materialien bereitgestellt: * Beitragsfolien SynLLOER: * Timeline “Entwicklung von OER in Deutschland von 1997 bis 2017”: * Timeline interaktiv: * Resourcen-Sammlung zur OER17 (Blogeinträge von Teilnehmenden, Folien zu den zahlreichen Beiträgen, etc.) : * Podcast-Audionachlese von Christian Friedrich und Markus Deimann: [icon name=”soundcloud”] “Feierabendbier: Open Education – Episode 25: Rückblick #OER17”:

    • *Quelle Titelbild: “With Openness comes increased responsibility” – sketch by Bryan M Mathers (@bryanMMathers), under a CC-BY 4.0 licence

    3: April 05 and 06, 2017, more than 180 participants flocked to London, UK, to take part in the international OER17 conference, under the motto of „The Politics of Open“. More than 70 workshops allowed for a thorough occupation with the amazing variety of approaches to the topic of ‘Openness’ and its twin theme of Open Educational Resources.

Who we are

19. November 2016 synlloer No Comments


  • Tobias Steiner (project coordinator)
  • Manfred Steger & Sophia Zicari (openLab & media production)
  • Klaas Opitz, Lucas Jacobsen, Celestine Kleinesper und Astrid Wittenberg (workshop experts)

SynLLOER: What we do

With the SynLLOER project (english: SynTLOER – Synergies for Teaching and Learning with OER), Hamburg University has set out to tackle the need of raising awareness towards OER on a broader scale: Funded via the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s OERInfo funding line, SynLLOER consists of five pillars that have the goal of activating a variety of target groups spanning a large range of institutions and educational settings. Throughout the whole of Hamburg, students, teaching assistants, and the large number of teachers within the primary, secondary and Higher Education sectors as well as media officers in schools are addressed and are brought in first contact with the world of OER. A creative mix of raising awareness, teacher training and support offers an all-in-one package that is hoped to ignite a more wide-spread occupation with the topic of OER. Firstly, the topic of OER will play a major role in the web-and-print publication Fachmagazin Synergie, via up-to-date articles on theory and practice. The publication will be made available in print for >10,000 staff and teachers working in the metropolitan area of Hamburg. Secondly, a variety of information events will be established, mainly around the question of „What is OER“. Doing so, we hope to raise awareness with interested participants for current limitations in using digital content due to German copyright law, and to point to alternatives that we see as manifest in Open Educational Resources. Thirdly, SynLLOER offers school workshops with the aim of opening a discussion around the use of OER – a use that, with an underlying culture of sharing, schools could highly profit from. And, last, but not least, SynLLOER comprises an Open Workshop that offers help with legal questions and hands-on support with tech-related questions, and indicating possible ways of realization in regard to creation, publication, versioning and remix of open content. All in all, Hamburg University’s SynLLOER project offers support structures for the technological, legal and conceptional dimensions for the creation of OER. Hence, SynLLOER will establish synergies between the early project experiences made within the context of the first phase of HOOU, towards a sustainable model of OER production, dissemination and awareness that is understood to act as an accelerator towards an environment of Open Educational Practices.

Herzlich Willkommen auf den Seiten des SynLLOER Projekt-Blogs

30. September 2016 synlloer No Comments

Ab Januar 2017 widmet sich das Projekt SynLLOER (Synergien für Lehren und Lernen durch OER) grundlegenden Fragen zu OER (Open Educational Ressources) wie:

  • Wo finde ich OER?
  • Wie kann man aus eigenen Lehrmaterialien OER machen?
  • Welche rechtlichen Probleme gibt es zu beachten, welche technischen Vorgaben?

Mit Informationsveranstaltungen an den Hamburger Hochschulen und Schulen sowie einem offenem Werkstattangebot wollen wir Lehrende (und Lernende) auf OER aufmerksam machen, aktivieren, und ihnen ermöglichen, erste Erfahrungen in der Welt der Open Educational Ressourcees sammeln zu können.

In den näcshten Wochen finden Sie an dieser Stelle weitere Informationen und Details…

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